9 Steps to Set Hair Goals & Achieve Them
Why should you have hair goals anyway?
Well there are many reasons, but in a nutshell, goal setting helps you to plan. When you have a plan you can do something. Doing something is what helps make your dreams become reality. It is all in the doing!
The process of setting hair goals helps you choose exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve. By knowing precisely what you want, you know where to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that would otherwise get you off course.
Whatever you’re focus is, the steps below can give you some quick ideas on how to reach hair goals. Keep reading only if you’re ready to take your hair to the next level.
(By the way, we’ll be talking about hair goals in this post, but it can apply to skincare goals as well.)
Before we get started, here are some goals to reach for, just incase you’re not sure where to start:
- Longer Hair
- Thicker Hair
- Stronger Hair
- More Shine
- More Moisture
- Reduce Breakage
- Dry Scalp Relief
- Eating Foods for Hair Health
1. What exactly do you want? Define it!
Is your goal clearly defined? Is it within your power to make happen? Is it something you have a good chance of achieving?
Are you clear about why this goal is important for you? (The choices you make will be based on this.) This goal needs to be something YOU really want, not what you think or you’ve been told you should want.
Let me emphasize, you can only achieve your hair goals if you are totally clear on exactly what it is you want.
2. How strong is your desire to get it done?
If your goal doesn’t inspire and energize you, you’ll give up before you even start?
Ask yourself, on a scale of 1 -10, with 1 being weak and 10 being “I’d do anything for my hair to be the way I want it”, how strong is your desire?
The greater your desire, the stronger your inner drive to action towards that goal.
3. This might be the most important one…Have you written it down? If not, Write It Down!
Putting your goal on paper makes it official. Plus when you handwrite your goals, you have an 80% higher success rate of achieving them.
Also, writing down your goal is your declaration that You Want It! Be specific and place it where you will see it several times a day. (like your bathroom mirror)
Remember, success does not just happen, it is intentional. Writing down what you will achieve with your hair is the first step in being purposeful with your actions.
4. Can You See & Feel Yourself Having the hair You Want? How will you Benefit From Reaching Your Goal?
Visualization is important. Can you see yourself at your goal?
How is your life different? What are you doing? How do you feel? Be specific. The more benefits you can envision, the more energized and inspired you will feel and the greater the pull that goal will have on you. Close your eyes and see yourself already there. I know it sounds silly but this power will fuel your actions.
5. Determine Your Starting Point & Set Timelines & Deadlines
I know you know where you are now. This clear place is the starting point. From here you will head in the right direction. Your plan is like mapping your route for a road trip. If you don't know where you are, you can't know how to get where you’re going.
MAKE the time to ACHIEVE the goal. Decide now how you can make time to work on your goal and put that time into your day?
Prioritize and eliminate things that are of less, or no, value so you can clear the way to taking action.
6. Identify your Resources
What resources do you have that will help you move forward? Who are the people or that will support you? Have you succeeded or failed at your hair care goals before?
What resources did you use that were helpful before? What can you do differently? What can you do to motivate yourself to reach your goal? Be your own best resource.
7. What is Your Plan and What are the Steps?
“A Dream without a plan is just a Wish. A Goal is a Dream with a Plan and a Deadline”
Have you broken your goal down into small manageable steps that can be done on a daily basis? What do you need to do first? What structures do you have in place to keep track of your progress? Accomplishing a goal requires taking the steps. These steps, in turn, become habits. What daily habits do you need to create? Big successes start with little ones.
8. Are you committed? Make A Commitment & Believe In Yourself
Are you committed or are you just trying? How many people do you know who have tried to do something and failed?
Say the following sentence to yourself: “I’m going to try to ______________”
Now say “I’m committed to _____________”
Which feels more solid and more likely to happen? To achieve any goal, you need to COMMIT yourself to achieving it. Have you really committed to doing every single thing that's necessary to achieve that goal? Are you committed to putting in ALL the necessary time, energy and money?
Look over your plan and the steps to achieve your goal. Do you believe that you can do it? Do you have any doubts? Are your expectations realistic?
Deal with your fears and expectations of yourself.
9. Bonus Step: Celebrate
How will you acknowledge the work that you have done and celebrate the completion of each of the steps along the way? How can you use that energy of success to keep you moving forward? Don’t wait until the end to celebrate.
Celebrating each small victory acknowledges your successes and keeps you motivated and focused.
Now, you have no excuses to get started.
Below is a FREE guide to help you plan out your healthy hair journey. This planner will help you get out of your own way and start setting goals for your healthy hair journey. The process of setting hair goals helps you choose exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve.