The 5 Sweetest Words
5 of the sweetest words I love to hear:
“My hair is growing back”
When I first lost my edges back in 2016 I thought they were gone for good. I grew them back and I was happy.
Since then I lost my hair a second time due to chemotherapy in 2019. I was able to grow it back fuller and healthier than it’s every been.
I consider myself lucky.
But if you were to see me out and about, my hair would probably be a mess or tied in a scarf. Nothing too spectacular. But I do have hair…all over my head, growing healthy & normal. I couldn’t be happier with my progress.
This may not be a big deal to most, but for me…amazing! To suffer hair loss was like an emotional punch in the face. So you can imagine why today I’m so pleased.
I realize how fortunate I am because millions of women are losing their hair today and many are not able to regrow it or don't know how.
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Kendra (the founder of the One80 Collection, studying herbalist & cancer survivor). My goals for this brand is to educate and motivate women on a subject I’m passionate about--hair loss.
If you’re new to me or my brand I want you to think of it as an experience that could very well change your hair life.
I’ve been in the haircare industry since 2013 when I opened my first hair salon in Fort Worth, Texas. Since then I’ve helped thousands of women from all walks of life. Many of them reach out to me because they have tried almost everything to grow their hair and nothing has worked.
Many of them are scared, desperate, angry, ashamed or have shattered self-esteem.
The information I provide are techniques, education and methods that I have used to successfully help women on their healthy hair growth journey. I've received heart felt emails, DM’s and reviews from women who have finally achieved hair growth, from which they always believed was impossible.
My compassion stems from my own hairloss. I can relate & understand completely what those emotions feel like. I’ve been there.
When I decided to teach myself about natural ingredients for hair & scalp health and became a student of naturopathic herbalism I made a leap that changed my life. I have truly found my passion in guiding women through finding the love for their hair again.
It’s working for me, so I’m sure it will work for others.
Intimacy & History with our Hair
The way we wear our hair is closely tied to our society. As soon as a new hairstyle hits the scene you can almost bet that everyone will soon be copying it.
Just think about the Civil Rights movement of the 60’s & 70’s which started the shift of black communities accepting their hair and turning away from damaging products. Conforming to European standards did not fit with the black power message. Natural styles were a form of activism and popular icons like Angela Davis, Jimmy Hendrix and Diana Ross were known for their afros.
Or I know you remember the Jheri Curl of the 80’s right? These are just 2 examples of how our hair has had a cultural influence on style.
Even Samson of the Bible had hair that was the source of his strength and power. (Judges 16:17, KJV)
For decades our hair has been tied to our personal identity. Our hair or lack of hair is a direct reflection of our personality, confidence & sexual identity.
Just google the word “hairloss” and you’ll see thousands of topics on everything from salons to products to chat rooms dedicated to hair growth remedies.
This amount of information can get confusing. And with so many companies only out to make money by promising overnight results almost always seem to disappoint.
(There goes that sucking sound. Yup, your money going down the drain.)
That's where I can help.
My suggestions and methods for hair growth include improving the health of your hair the specific issues of your hair type. Some info may seem like common sense, and some will surprise you.
For example, most women believe that the problem with their hair is within their hair only. I want you to consider that the condition of your hair is a direct reflection of what’s going on throughout your body.
My techniques not only offer solutions by caring for your hair and scalp, but also include the importance of exercise, diet, and skin care in maintaining a healthy hair.
The One80 Hair products and solutions I offer are specific to hair type and need. The goal is to stimulate the scalp and restore that remaining peach fuzz to health. All advice is simple, practical and affordable and most of all, all-natural.
You’ll be surprised at how much stuff you already have in your kitchen that can restore your hair health.
But also let me be realistic...unfortunately if your hair follicles have completely stopped producing hair, it cannot be reversed. No one, can change this.
There is a bright side though….you can stop the progression of hair loss.
Remember those 5 sweetest words at the beginning of this article? That’s ultimate goal.
Check out the next blog post where we’ll look the main types of hair loss. This will help you can get a better understanding of your hair and the problem you may have. Knowledge is power.
I've created an awesome email community of women (the Healthy Hair Tribe) who are on their journey to healthier hair. This is where I educate, provide product suggestions and special offers. You can click below to join the tribe. You'll also receive a 20% coupon to use on any item in our store. You'll also get 5 days of hair growth tips delivered straight to your inbox.
Let's grow together!
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